アカデミック・アドバイジング 個別アドバイジング予約ページ
Academic Advising: Individual Advising Session Reservation Page




【予約可能日時 / Date and Time of Reservation】


Please read and agree to the following rules before choosing your reservation time.

Individual Advising Sessions are 45-minute one-on-one sessions that can be reserved with a faculty advisor.
These sessions offer support in helping you identify and achieve your academic or personal goals.
If you have any concerns or anything you would like to discuss, please don’t hesitate to reserve a session.

[Examples of Goals]
・To understand and make the most of APU’s multicultural learning environment
・To have a smooth transition to university life
・To become able to make my own study plans
・To be responsible and follow my own study plan

【Date and Time of Reservation】
Reservations can be made up to the day before your requested appointment time.
However, please note that if you submit your reservation request after 16:30 the day before your requested appointment date, in some cases we will be unable to reserve your session.
In addition, if you would like to reserve a session on a date immediately following a Saturday, Sunday, or holiday, please be sure to submit your reservation request three days before the date of your appointment.
Same-day reservations are not available.

Please read and agree to the following rules before choosing your reservation time.

個別アドバイジングを予約するにあたってのルール / Rules for Reserving an Individual Advising Session

1. 予約ができるのは1日につき1枠までです。2枠連続で予約することはできません。

2. 予約時間に遅れないようにしてください。

3. 個別アドバイジングの利用時は、予約確認メールに記載されている「個人情報の守秘について」を必ず読んでください。

4. 無断で欠席する行為は、他の学生の利用の妨げおよび教員に対しての迷惑行為となります。

5. 実施スケジュールとご自身の都合が合わない場合でも、アドバジングを受けることは可能です。
@名前 A学籍番号 B希望する日時3つ(例:4月26日月曜3限、5月14日金曜3〜5限など)
C相談内容 D携帯番号(国内在住の場合) E実施方法(対面 or Zoom)

1. Only one session reservation per student per day. You may not reserve two sessions in a row.
It is possible to reserve a session on another day after the end of your advising session.

2. Don't be late for your appointment.
If you would like to cancel your appointment please contact the Academic Office by the day before your session.

3. When using individual advising sessions, please be sure to read the [Handling of Personal Information] section in the reservation confirmation email.

4. When students make reservations and fail to show up they prevent other students from being able to use the service and they cause issues for advising faculty.
Please note, if you continue to miss your appointments you may not be allowed to continue to use this service.

5. Even if none of the available appointment times work for you, it may still be possible to make an appointment.
Please send an email with the information shown below to advising@apu.ac.jp for more information.
@ Name A Student ID Number
B 3 requested appointment dates(ex: April 26, Monday 3rd period, May 14, Friday 3rd to 5th period, etc.)
C Consultation topic D Phone number (if you are living in Japan) E Face-to-Face or Zoom

予約可能日時 / Date and Time of Reservation

日程 / Date range
から まで
例)2021/4/1または2021年4月1日 / Example)2021/4/1
曜日 / Day
時間 / Time
担当教員 / Advisor
言語 / Language
0 - 0件 / 0
日程 / Date 時間 / Time 担当教員 / Advisor 言語 / Language 実施方法 / Type 予約 / Reservation