

Nagaoka Fireworks / 世界のさまざまな祭り / ていねいに依頼する

英語 2年生 2024/9/17

■Oral Introduction 例1Nagaoka Fireworks

 本文の場面設定を中心にOral introductionを行います。

T:Do you like going to fireworks festivals?
S:Yes, I do.
T:Me too! Did you know that each prefecture in Japan has different fireworks festivals? And did you know that the colors of the fireworks often have special meanings?
S:No, I didn't.
T:It's true! Today, we will learn about the meanings of the fireworks festival in Nagaoka City in Niigata Prefecture.

■More Information世界のさまざまな祭り


T:There are many festivals around the world. (スペインのトマト祭りの写真を見せて) Does anyone know this festival?
T:Right. It's called La Tomatina in Spanish. It's held in the Valencian town of Buñol on the last Wednesday of August. Participants throw tomatoes and take part in a tomato fight. How about this festival? (中国の春節の写真を見せて)
T:Good. Shunsetsu is one of the most important holidays for Chinese. It's held during the Chinese New Year, from the end of January to the middle of February. This holiday lasts for 7 days and people return home or go on vacation. Houses and shops are decorated with red paper lanterns and red paper strips like tanzaku. In town, people set off firecrackers and fireworks and enjoy dragon dance performances. How about this festival? (スウェーデンのミッドサマーの写真を見せて)
T:Good guess. It's Midsummer's Day Festival in Sweden. Midsummer's day around the end of June is the longest day of a year and people celebrate that day. They raise large poles called maypole around the country. The maypole is a symbol of good harvest and is decorated beautifully with flowers and leaves. People enjoy folk dancing around the poles until late at night.

■Oral Introduction 例2ていねいに依頼する


T:Have you ever traveled on a plane? There are domestic flights and international flights. If you want to go abroad, what do you need?
S:We need passport.
T:Good. Now, I'll show you some pictures of airports and planes. Let's talk about them. (機体,空港の案内表示,搭乗手続き,機内の様子,客室乗務員などの写真を見せながら話を進めます。)

Unit 5「Festivals Have Meanings」
Read & Think More Information
Let's Talk 5 機内(教科書p.68〜72)



